Wednesday, March 13, 2013

That Poem You Tell On Yourself

I believe this poem is very old because of the word phonograph and its use in the poem. I do not remember the last two lines about pretense when I first read it so I am not including it as I believe it forgery.  I have seen it out of order around the internet--what a shame! To my knowledge, this is the original:

You Tell On Yourself
A poem aligning with the Word in with Matthew 7:20 “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."
You tell on yourself by the friends you seek,
By the very manner in which you speak,
By the way you employ your leisure time,
By the use you make of dollar and dime.

You tell what you are by the things you wear,
By the spirit in which you burdens bear,
By the kind of things at which you laugh,
By the records you play on the phonograph.

You tell what you are by the way you walk,
By the things of which you delight to talk,
By the manner in which you bear defeat,
By so simple a thing as how you eat.
By the books you choose from the well-filled shelf:
In these ways and more, you tell on yourself.
— Author Unknown

Friday, January 4, 2013

Contrast between the Proud and the Broken

by Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Proud people focus on the failures of others.
Broken people are overwhelmed with a sense of their own spiritual need.
Proud people have a critical, fault-finding spirit; they look at everyone else’s faults with a microscope but their own with a telescope.
Broken people are compassionate; they can forgive much because they know how much they have been forgiven.
Proud people are self-righteous; they look down on others.
Broken people esteem all others better than themselves.
Proud people have an independent, self-sufficient spirit.
Broken people have a dependent spirit; they recognize their need for others.
Proud people have to prove that they are right.
Broken people are willing to yield the right to be right.
Proud people claim rights; they have a demanding spirit.
Broken people yield their rights; they have a meek spirit.
Proud people are self-protective of their time, their rights, and their reputation.
Broken people are self-denying.
Proud people desire to be served.
Broken people are motivated to serve others.
Proud people desire to be a success.
Broken people are motivated to be faithful and to make others a success.
Proud people desire self-advancement.
Broken people desire to promote others.
Proud people have a drive to be recognized and appreciated.
Broken people have a sense of their own unworthiness; they are thrilled that God would use them at all.
Proud people are wounded when others are promoted and they are overlooked.
Broken people are eager for others to get the credit; they rejoice when others are lifted up.
Proud people have a subconscious feeling, “This ministry/church is privileged to have me and my gifts”; they think of what they can do for God.
Broken people’s heart attitude is, “I don’t deserve to have a part in any ministry”; they know that they have nothing to offer God except the life of Jesus flowing through their broken lives.
Proud people feel confident in how much they know.
Broken people are humbled by how very much they have to learn.
Proud people are self-conscious.
Broken people are not concerned with self at all.
Proud people keep others at arms’ length.
Broken people are willing to risk getting close to others and to take risks of loving intimately.
Proud people are quick to blame others.
Broken people accept personal responsibility and can see where they are wrong in a situation.
Proud people are unapproachable or defensive when criticized.
Broken people receive criticism with a humble, open spirit.
Proud people are concerned with being respectable, with what others think; they work to protect their own image and reputation.
Broken people are concerned with being real; what matters to them is not what others think but what God knows; they are willing to die to their own reputation.
Proud people find it difficult to share their spiritual need with others.
Broken people are willing to be open and transparent with others as God directs.
Proud people want to be sure that no one finds out when they have sinned; their instinct is to cover up.
Broken people, once broken, don’t care who knows or who finds out; they are willing to be exposed because they have nothing to lose.
Proud people have a hard time saying, “I was wrong; will you please forgive me?”
Broken people are quick to admit failure and to seek forgiveness when necessary.
Proud people tend to deal in generalities when confessing sin.
Broken people are able to acknowledge specifics when confessing their sin.
Proud people are concerned about the consequences of their sin.
Broken people are grieved over the cause, the root of their sin.
Proud people are remorseful over their sin, sorry that they got found out or caught.
Broken people are truly, genuinely repentant over their sin, evidenced in the fact that they forsake that sin.
Proud people wait for the other to come and ask forgiveness when there is a misunderstanding or conflict in a relationship.
Broken people take the initiative to be reconciled when there is misunderstanding or conflict in relationships; they race to the cross; they see if they can get there first, no matter how wrong the other may have been.
Proud people compare themselves with others and feel worthy of honor.
Broken people compare themselves to the holiness of God and feel a desperate need for His mercy.
Proud people are blind to their true heart condition.
Broken people walk in the light.
Proud people don’t think they have anything to repent of.
Broken people realize they have need of a continual heart attitude of repentance.
Proud people don’t think they need revival, but they are sure that everyone else does.
Broken people continually sense their need for a fresh encounter with God and for a fresh filling of His Holy Spirit.

Monday, November 19, 2012

We Measure What We Value

Think of one thing that you measure because you value it. It's true, you know, we measure that which we value. Some things are harder to measure than others. Moses asked Father God to teach the people to "number their days." That's Psalm 90:12. He asked that so that they could present a "heart of wisdom." I thought about my life and what my values were. What do I measure?

Time is measured by the clock but do I make it count? I couldn't resist that pun. Since we are on a thoughtful topic, can we just do a little elementary math? Okay, here is what we all have:

24 hrs. of which an average of 8 hrs is slept away in la-la land.

16  --four sets of four-- waking hours left to do something with?
1.5 hours average bathroom time per day (hygiene, primping, squatting,bathing)
1    hour eating (actually chewing and swallowing a plate before you)
.5 hours waking up from sleep, planning, or reading your Bible?

Twelve shows up in an awesome way and it appears that we have roughly 12 hours to govern how we spend today. Read all about how twelve is the "perfect number" here: Twelve in the Bible and Its Meaning

So HOW do we get our values into those hours? Can I first just paint a background thought?

 Jesus said to live in the Today and let tomorrow take care of itself in Matthew 6. He also said not to worry about the laundry and what you will eat and drink and gave Martha (workhorse) a loving scold that she was "worried about so many things when only a few are nescessary--really only one. This sounds like a fairytale to mothers, but if we were not so worldy, perhaps this type of freedom is possible. What do I mean? Someone told me fruit was the original fast food. See it? Okay for those of you that do not read my mind, we eat unhealthy because we do not have time to eat properly and/or we do not have the money for the snob appeal of organic sections in the store. God made ready to eat food that is actually REAL food. What a bargain for a time saver and high quality food--an apple.

First we have to find out what we value, or even better--what God values and build a day that worships Him so that we are not standing in church on Sunday only thinking that is a life of worship (because we sang to Him in church). I am of the opinion that the singing is the celebrating of all that was done for, with, and through Him all the week long.

Twelve hours can be three sets of four or four sets of three. 4X3=12  3X4=12  2X6=12 6X2=12
Two sets of six  or 6 sets of two. Your calendar could be a combination of it all--not just one form.

I see calendars with morning, afternoon, evening, and night time chunks of three highlighted in an attempt to get me to fill them out all nice and easy like measuring flour in a cup. Hmmm...
You can only get involved with an event on your calendar as long as you have the three of four hours to accomplish that. It depends on how busy you are and how your values are placed. The thing I learn from that is not to plan too much all at once in a chunk of time OR know my goals and values BEFORE I attempt to manage something as abstract and hard to handle as time.

My favorite professional organizer in this world is Julie Morgenstern and she is the one that helped me "see" time like the clutter in a closet. You only have so much available space to stick things/appts. events. Too many things in the small space does not work! She helps you to identify your values, needs, and goals so that your life isn't, well, spoiled by little foxes that ruin the vine.

Before I provide a handy link to her book, I would like to add one other thought. We are to put God first and He likes ten percent I am guessing. What is ten percent of your 12? It works out to one hour and 12 minutes! He multiplies our efforts when we glorify Him. You want your efforts multiplied--so invest in time with Him!  One of Julie's many Living Books!

P.S. I was not asked not compensated for referring you to her--it is an honor to do it.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dad I Just Discovered

You and I
My love for you Daddy, runs deep
an eternity within my soul
where the tender thoughts of you and I
dwell to fill me whole
Everyday we spend apart
prolongs the emptiness inside
I long to know PURE MANLY LOVE
that loneliness doesn't confide
Ponder the mystery of our days entwined
searching in your songs I measure
the distance between your heart and mine
across a world of buried treasure
I looked for you in strangers
I wrote to you in art
despite the songs of bitterness
that tried to break my heart.
I found you in the Lord.
By: Melanie Sue Lynch (17 yrs. old)

Writer Beware ® Blogs!: Victoria Strauss -- Lulu Acquires

Writer Beware ® Blogs!: Victoria Strauss -- Lulu Acquires

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Research on the way to respond at the end times

First Christian martyr, Stephen, suffered the same spirit of AntiChrist--look at what is recorded
and apply it to your response to persecution...

I Peter 3--submission to government...and contrast that to a time for war, to hate...
the verse also on if they sue you, let them have your coat as well--
Jesus like a lamb to slaughter even though He didn't have to--He did not rail back--
"My Kingdom is not of this World" He did not fight them for "this Kingdom"

Our lives are "hid" with Christ in Christ.  Christ hid from his captors, a resistor or was it that He had a spiritual timeline to keep, and the devil was fast after Him. It's probably why the Father sent Jesus through a virgin--to deter from the Devil trying to kill him even as an infant--but that's just a supposition. I mean, who would look for the Christ in a virgin??

In the end times, He will give us what to say--He said not to even think beforehand...?? Study to show thyself approved before God and man? Maybe it will be so crazy there is no logical preparation of the mind but just of the heart and spirit??

Conspiracy theory (Gun Control or shall I say ammo control, Fusion Centers, HAARP and weather control, FEMA camps here in the US for YOUR family, our govt. turning on us if we were in Marshall Law and Obama pulling in all the new "Americans" in a struggling economy and giving them double portions of food stamps etc basically destroying our once struggling economy) is a huge waste of time searching info we can do nothing about Have you used that much energy to seek God and His Word? Have you used that same fervor to advance the Kingdom of God to seek His people? The trappings of this world is a great distraction from the Lord and our Walk after the Spirit...It terrorizes the soul--Stay away from the Conspriacy Stuff, addicting as it is.

Will we be victorious in Christ? Will we walk worthy of Him? "They overcome by the Word of their testimony and that they did not love their own lives to death...." Google it in Revelations...

If you cannot love someone that does not love you (Oh husband and wife but we ARE called to peace)....(then you have missed Christ's main point). Why in the world would we not die to ourselves to love the spouse (a powerful influence on our own children) that does not love us--what a mockery that we took a vow--from the seriousness in the depth of our being--and do not honor our own committment. The devil laughs.

UPDATE: It was brought to my attention that 5 in one house shall be divided against one another over the Lord ("over the Lord") is a paraphrase. I believe this is the context of the end times. I am theorizing that some will be "resistors" to the tyranny and persecution that I fear is coming into a free world we have always taken for granted. It is in the natural heart of every Christian to resist the one world beastlike government "globalization" but what does the Word say and what does Christ model in similar scenarios of threat and death against the Spirit of antiChrist that has been here from old? It is a leap from the natural to the supernatural to believe the Word of God in the Holy Bible to NOT will separate loyalty within a family. It's a theory, right now in my heart, at this time I would shoot the enemy!

The Easter Egg Surprise

I copied this and carried it forever off of an Easter card I received
and I do not know to whom I should give credit.

   "What's the matter, Henny?" said the turkey to the hen,
    "Are you just a little lonely clucking in that pen?"
     "I'm not lonely," said Henny, "just feeling sad and blue--
 just want to lay some fancy eggs like Easter chickens do."
"When the farmer comes each day, he never looks at mine, just gathers
rainbow colored eggs from the next hen down the line. I'm tired of laying plain white eggs--I think you would be too--when other happy chickens lay eggs that are yellow, pink, and blue."

Her nest soon filled with many eggs, a dozen so or more, but none
of them were pink or blue, just white ones--what a bore!

Then on Easter morning, when the sun was shining bright; the hen
heard "peep, peep, peep, peep" from eggs that were plain white.

The children in the farm yard ran to see what made this sound.
They looked inside her cozy nest and this is what they found--

At least a dozen yellow chicks were loudly peeping, peeping.
It seemed they hatched that very night while all the world was sleeping.
The children smiled and laughed to see the little hen looking most suprised of all
of what was in her pen. Twelve little yellow peeping chicks
all huddled in the nest; of all the Easter eggs that day, hers were the VERY Best.
This poem reminds me of the joy of the Lord when the 12 tribes of Israel will be gathered under His wing. The angels will be like the children in the farmyard rejoicing. Do not grow weary in well doing for you will reap a harvest if you remain steadfast. Remember also that Jesus says the last will be first and the first shall be last. This is not my poem and not my photo(s). I just like it.