Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Easter Egg Surprise

I copied this and carried it forever off of an Easter card I received
and I do not know to whom I should give credit.

   "What's the matter, Henny?" said the turkey to the hen,
    "Are you just a little lonely clucking in that pen?"
     "I'm not lonely," said Henny, "just feeling sad and blue--
 just want to lay some fancy eggs like Easter chickens do."
"When the farmer comes each day, he never looks at mine, just gathers
rainbow colored eggs from the next hen down the line. I'm tired of laying plain white eggs--I think you would be too--when other happy chickens lay eggs that are yellow, pink, and blue."

Her nest soon filled with many eggs, a dozen so or more, but none
of them were pink or blue, just white ones--what a bore!

Then on Easter morning, when the sun was shining bright; the hen
heard "peep, peep, peep, peep" from eggs that were plain white.

The children in the farm yard ran to see what made this sound.
They looked inside her cozy nest and this is what they found--

At least a dozen yellow chicks were loudly peeping, peeping.
It seemed they hatched that very night while all the world was sleeping.
The children smiled and laughed to see the little hen looking most suprised of all
of what was in her pen. Twelve little yellow peeping chicks
all huddled in the nest; of all the Easter eggs that day, hers were the VERY Best.
This poem reminds me of the joy of the Lord when the 12 tribes of Israel will be gathered under His wing. The angels will be like the children in the farmyard rejoicing. Do not grow weary in well doing for you will reap a harvest if you remain steadfast. Remember also that Jesus says the last will be first and the first shall be last. This is not my poem and not my photo(s). I just like it.

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