Thursday, August 2, 2012

House of the Hidden Hammer

This is a story about living like a sort of animal that hoardes things
you may use or need from your children:

A hammer under my mattress just so I can find it.
So much for my Professional Organizing certification.

My children are not evil, though it crossed my mind, when they make the flow and balance of my home a mangled, miserable mess (feeling like Joan Crawford in Mommy Dearest with the wire clothes hangers here), its just that their boy world is small, without much interaction from others and their individual natures want to play and connect with the environment and the earth. Like the baby that drops their cup over and over from the highchair just to see it and hear it fall so they can learn depth perception and about gravity.

They love to manipulate the environment with their hands and that is why I can predict that when I pass a styrofoam cup from Sonic to my middle son in the back seat, that he will tear it into 4,012 pieces when he is done with it because he likes the way it feels when he tears the pieces. Each thing mother has put in a place of its own as she has builds her nest is only a potential tool in waiting to be "ab-used" (Used in a way unintended for its purpose which increases damage to it). I do not know if I am doing him a service to allow this or a disservice to set up a bad habit.

Perhaps, it is the special "blessing" of having threee boys very close together? (Grinch's slow grin)

Perhaps, the only thing really missing besides my broom, or its nomadic sidekick (the dustpan), is my undivided attention. I did notice when I went to play with them in the woods and built a fort that we were resource poor and wanted to ab-use some things myself to get the job done.

If we could have the same projects....

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