Thursday, August 2, 2012

Research on the way to respond at the end times

First Christian martyr, Stephen, suffered the same spirit of AntiChrist--look at what is recorded
and apply it to your response to persecution...

I Peter 3--submission to government...and contrast that to a time for war, to hate...
the verse also on if they sue you, let them have your coat as well--
Jesus like a lamb to slaughter even though He didn't have to--He did not rail back--
"My Kingdom is not of this World" He did not fight them for "this Kingdom"

Our lives are "hid" with Christ in Christ.  Christ hid from his captors, a resistor or was it that He had a spiritual timeline to keep, and the devil was fast after Him. It's probably why the Father sent Jesus through a virgin--to deter from the Devil trying to kill him even as an infant--but that's just a supposition. I mean, who would look for the Christ in a virgin??

In the end times, He will give us what to say--He said not to even think beforehand...?? Study to show thyself approved before God and man? Maybe it will be so crazy there is no logical preparation of the mind but just of the heart and spirit??

Conspiracy theory (Gun Control or shall I say ammo control, Fusion Centers, HAARP and weather control, FEMA camps here in the US for YOUR family, our govt. turning on us if we were in Marshall Law and Obama pulling in all the new "Americans" in a struggling economy and giving them double portions of food stamps etc basically destroying our once struggling economy) is a huge waste of time searching info we can do nothing about Have you used that much energy to seek God and His Word? Have you used that same fervor to advance the Kingdom of God to seek His people? The trappings of this world is a great distraction from the Lord and our Walk after the Spirit...It terrorizes the soul--Stay away from the Conspriacy Stuff, addicting as it is.

Will we be victorious in Christ? Will we walk worthy of Him? "They overcome by the Word of their testimony and that they did not love their own lives to death...." Google it in Revelations...

If you cannot love someone that does not love you (Oh husband and wife but we ARE called to peace)....(then you have missed Christ's main point). Why in the world would we not die to ourselves to love the spouse (a powerful influence on our own children) that does not love us--what a mockery that we took a vow--from the seriousness in the depth of our being--and do not honor our own committment. The devil laughs.

UPDATE: It was brought to my attention that 5 in one house shall be divided against one another over the Lord ("over the Lord") is a paraphrase. I believe this is the context of the end times. I am theorizing that some will be "resistors" to the tyranny and persecution that I fear is coming into a free world we have always taken for granted. It is in the natural heart of every Christian to resist the one world beastlike government "globalization" but what does the Word say and what does Christ model in similar scenarios of threat and death against the Spirit of antiChrist that has been here from old? It is a leap from the natural to the supernatural to believe the Word of God in the Holy Bible to NOT will separate loyalty within a family. It's a theory, right now in my heart, at this time I would shoot the enemy!

The Easter Egg Surprise

I copied this and carried it forever off of an Easter card I received
and I do not know to whom I should give credit.

   "What's the matter, Henny?" said the turkey to the hen,
    "Are you just a little lonely clucking in that pen?"
     "I'm not lonely," said Henny, "just feeling sad and blue--
 just want to lay some fancy eggs like Easter chickens do."
"When the farmer comes each day, he never looks at mine, just gathers
rainbow colored eggs from the next hen down the line. I'm tired of laying plain white eggs--I think you would be too--when other happy chickens lay eggs that are yellow, pink, and blue."

Her nest soon filled with many eggs, a dozen so or more, but none
of them were pink or blue, just white ones--what a bore!

Then on Easter morning, when the sun was shining bright; the hen
heard "peep, peep, peep, peep" from eggs that were plain white.

The children in the farm yard ran to see what made this sound.
They looked inside her cozy nest and this is what they found--

At least a dozen yellow chicks were loudly peeping, peeping.
It seemed they hatched that very night while all the world was sleeping.
The children smiled and laughed to see the little hen looking most suprised of all
of what was in her pen. Twelve little yellow peeping chicks
all huddled in the nest; of all the Easter eggs that day, hers were the VERY Best.
This poem reminds me of the joy of the Lord when the 12 tribes of Israel will be gathered under His wing. The angels will be like the children in the farmyard rejoicing. Do not grow weary in well doing for you will reap a harvest if you remain steadfast. Remember also that Jesus says the last will be first and the first shall be last. This is not my poem and not my photo(s). I just like it.

House of the Hidden Hammer

This is a story about living like a sort of animal that hoardes things
you may use or need from your children:

A hammer under my mattress just so I can find it.
So much for my Professional Organizing certification.

My children are not evil, though it crossed my mind, when they make the flow and balance of my home a mangled, miserable mess (feeling like Joan Crawford in Mommy Dearest with the wire clothes hangers here), its just that their boy world is small, without much interaction from others and their individual natures want to play and connect with the environment and the earth. Like the baby that drops their cup over and over from the highchair just to see it and hear it fall so they can learn depth perception and about gravity.

They love to manipulate the environment with their hands and that is why I can predict that when I pass a styrofoam cup from Sonic to my middle son in the back seat, that he will tear it into 4,012 pieces when he is done with it because he likes the way it feels when he tears the pieces. Each thing mother has put in a place of its own as she has builds her nest is only a potential tool in waiting to be "ab-used" (Used in a way unintended for its purpose which increases damage to it). I do not know if I am doing him a service to allow this or a disservice to set up a bad habit.

Perhaps, it is the special "blessing" of having threee boys very close together? (Grinch's slow grin)

Perhaps, the only thing really missing besides my broom, or its nomadic sidekick (the dustpan), is my undivided attention. I did notice when I went to play with them in the woods and built a fort that we were resource poor and wanted to ab-use some things myself to get the job done.

If we could have the same projects....

Unhappy Marriage

Just want you to know
I know
I'm honest to my fall
Can't stand deception
Can't stand a brawl
And you
take what I say
twist it for another day
Se no greatness in me at all
My courageous honesty you take
with a grain of salt
all of our differences
are my fault

God give me passion
God, help me see Your vision
Scatter this strife
Protect us from Division.

by Melanie Lynch-Evans