Monday, July 30, 2012

Android Addict

Dim lighting features a glow on your face, I wish it was about me;
but instead, it's about android technology.
Motorola Blur is a new fancy name for "Her."
She has your mind
She has your sight
She holds both your hands
It just isn't right!
Across the love seat your toes wiggle atop the chair
a flag of hope there is life ,still, in your downward stare.
Only room for one
beside the technozombie you've become.
Like look'n at you in another dimension
I can't remember your undivided attention.
She has Facebook as bait
and seductive apps I now hate
He admires her GPS system to track
but when I ask "where you been", he gives me flack!
SO, I propose a new app, the app called SLAP
Seriously Losing Android People
and it should come with a MAP
so you can hit them on the head with it
O.K. it's late and I am getting silly now. Meow.

By Melanie Lynch Evans 2011
(GEtting a little "SIC" myself)

1 comment:

  1. Her house should not be clean for more of a real scenario.
