Monday, July 30, 2012

Find Joy Today and Not Tomorrow

December wont seem quite as merry
And January's clock will not tarry

Time blows clouds on across the sky
February's future will be forgotten
as time's ticking by~

March, marching on like an autograph
April washes weeks away from a bird's bath

May marks a memory made
Soon to be forgotten in summer sleeper's shade

Though summer's leaf be green
What's taking the Lord so longis reflected
 but unseen

Even though I 'd like to stop a leaf
from turning brown, stop Fall from falling down,
Fruit must do its dying before coming aground

So, nature brings and takes her gifts
Season spirits come and take their shifts

The twig of time, in the beak of the bird of borrow,
breaks with hearts of those that put off loving until tomorrow.

1991 Melanie Lynch-Evans

1 comment:

  1. This is me trying to be a famous retro writer...haha
