Monday, July 30, 2012

Quest for Rest

1998 by Melanie Lynch Evans

I tried to sleep on the couch last night
but I just flopped, rolled, and flipped
You would have thought the kitchen faucet
was in stereo as it dripped
On a rageful stomp toward the noise
My tender feet found Lego toys
In sleep deprived haste
I dove back into my space
Nestled myself in, thinking
to get any rest must be a sin!

I threw the covers over my head
curled up into a ball
and silence gave way to a mouse
crunching through the wall
So up I went, to quiet the
stupid little pest
I hit the wall, fist and all
to stop his frenzied fest.
Tromping back to the couch
he started gnawing again
so I surrendered and
picked up the pen.

We lived in Creola, AL and those were hard days.

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