Monday, July 30, 2012

Hinder Me

Help me be blind if I hide a wicked mind
Hinder me from singing if it's a fool's rhyme
Help me close my eyes unlike the anxious child
Hinder me from arrogant victory keeping me mild

Help to cripple my dancing in the darkness of fools
Hinder my searching for the "Light" of Satan's "jewels"
Help me fail to teach hollow and deceptive trends
Hinder me from hurting the things You would mend

Help me become sick in my double- minded ways
Hinder me from praying the way a hypocrite "prays"

Help me not to decorate with fleshly desperation
Hinder me so I might illustrate Heaven's inspiration. 

Melanie Lynch-Evans Jan 29, 1992 revised 2012

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