Monday, July 30, 2012

I'm Writing Another Man Today

I'm writing another man today
Tired of what you still don't say
I'm going to see Him soon
In my prayer closet this afternoon.
He will ease the void you leave
For another week, where I can breathe
In this house we call a home
Where we're all together, all alone

I'm going to tell him my heart is broken
and He will say what you leave unspoken
He will actually listen to my heart's desire
He'll fill me with HIS PASSIONFIRE.

You look, but He sees
My hard heart soften on my knees
You touch, but do not feel
a false reality in a hope that's real

He loves me in ways your unaware
To let me know Someone cares
Sometimes I wonder if you see Him there
and catch glimpses of my love affair

But for now, I wait, pen in hand,
for you to become another man.

Melanie Sue Evans 2007
Living water saturate my thirsty soul.....(photo not mine)

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