Monday, July 30, 2012

Little Thoughts of Mine

The greatest difficulty is an effective simplicity. (Studying Jesus)

"It's not true," the Indian within me stated, "that many moons will heal your wounds."
Time is only anesthesia --not a healer.

I am not to control my fate or destiny! I am to control myself one day at a time. For then and  only then will I arrive in my destiny!

Tis a marvel that one come into the world crying, and leave it laughing.

The heart remembers what the mind forgets.

I don't believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder becaue they keep looking past my shoulder.

He tells me he loves me and its warm like sunshine.......that burns.

I slipped on a kiss and fell in love.

You haven't noticed the differences we share. Am I so good an actress or don't you care?

Funny how some places hold a memory for you.

You protect yourself with words unspoken
but the silence leaves my heart broken.

My lips are the instruments that play the songs of my heart.

No one could take your place
but I weep silently beneath a smiling face
Your arms were like the strongest foundations
where I grew roots and wings
Your heart like the deepest sea
where I found the most beautful things

I know you send me on a chore when I sit down by you.

When you come to the kitchen and hug me, I feel like you took the hug instead of giving it.

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